Monday, October 26, 2009

Current Events


Scientists found a new material that could boost computer data storage and save energy at the same time. Boosts storage capacity (founded by Doctor Jagdish, director of the national science foundation center) the usual chip stores 20 gigs and now it can handle 50 times the amount of data.

(this can be used in class to store more data, and help students because it would upgrade computers to handle 50 times the normal amount of data, plus you get to save energy and help the enviornment)

The great pacific garbage patch. A very large garbage patch which is mainly plastic. Its in the north pacific gyre estimated to be about twice the size of Texas. Mainly plastic and other debree which is trapped by the currents. Its really messing with the marine life, birds and the animals. Has a lot of toxic effects.

Piloting new lunar land rovers. Certain specialists like Terry Fong and Amass Fox are using the new K ten rover program with intelligence robotics group. They are desigining a scout robot for trips to the moon, and its suppose to be good for retreaving substances off of lunar surfaces.

New superefficient energy saving computer clusters. They say each node uses about 100 wads of energy. There is a lot of energy reductions. Cumuter clusters uses much less energy. 3 WATS instead of 100 WATS.

(This can be used in class because it would be energy saving computer clusters. Each node uses about 100 wads of energy and this would use 3 WATS instead of 100, it would save a lot of energy and make sure that the school would use the money for more efficient purposes.)

Researches found out that there is a new way system by mimicking the natural design. They found a new way to enhance the compacity of the media. The way the “shrimp” eyes are made makes storage more efficient.

New 180 blackberry storm 2 hit shelves on wendsday. Has new clickable display technology. When you click something you touch the screen for the letters- has more efficient touch-screen technology.

(Blackberry storm can be efficient for students for organizing purposes and the touchscreen will be fast and easy to use. Its less expensive then labtop computers and can hold all the work that you want.)

Apple was the first one to create the smart-phones
Since 1996 microsoft has operating systems when they released it. Microsoft is mad at google because they are making new cellphones. And they are putting their free android operating system onto the internet, which is unwanted by Microsoft.

The new operating system, windows 7. Came out last Thursday already has gotten great reviews. It has smoother experience then vista. It has less processing speed to run. Pretty much better overall then Vista.

Developed a new kind of retnall (eyes) implant. From MIT Co founder is John L. Wyatt. This eye implant is more adapted to the human body which is more naturally accepted into your eye instead of bothering your eye for the first few months. Helps blind people see a little better, and eye implant that has just been invented. Has a lot of small metal things poking out of it.

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