Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Van Goug Effect - Before, After.

Begin by downwloading 
sunflower.psd, then launch 
Photoshop and open the 
image. Press F7 to show the 
Layers palette. Select the 
Background layer. 

In the toolbar, click the 
foreground color sampler. In 
the resulting Color Picker 
dialog box, enter C:55; 
M:20; Y:0; K:0, and click 
OK. Press Option + Delete 
to fill the Background layer 
with the foreground color. 
In the toolbar, click the 
foreground color sampler. In 
the resulting Color Picker 
dialog box, enter C:40; M:5; 
Y:0; K:0, and click OK. 
Select the Brush tool (B). 
Using a large soft-edged 
brush, paint numerous 
random strokes on the 
Background layer as shown 
at left. 

Using the Rectangular 
Marquee tool (M), make a 
small selection of an area of 
the background. Choose 
Filter > Distort > Twirl. Use 
the options in the resulting 
Twirl dialog box and click 

Drag the rectangular 
selection over another 
section of the background 
and choose Filter > Twirl 
(Command + F). Repeat this 
stepuntil the entire 
background is full of swirls. 
Overlap swirls until you get 
a result similar to ours. 
Choose Select > Deselect 
(Comma nd + D). 
In the Layers palette, click 
the Options arrow and select 
Flatten Image from the 
dropdown menu. Choose 
Filter > Artistic > Poster 
Edges. Use the options in 
the resulting Poster Edges 
dialog box and click OK. 

Choose Filter > Artistic > 
Paint Daubs. Use the 
options in the resulting Paint 
Daubs dialog box and click 
The final effect  

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